Monday, May 18, 2015

10 Enticing Reasons to Date a Dog Lover

What qualities do you seek in your lover? The main traits that an individual is looking for in his/her partner are loyalty, responsibility, love, care, fun, active, playful, forgiveness, etc. How will you know whether the person whom you are going to date will have these qualities? Or, let’s say, how will you choose a perfect better half for yourself?
Studies have shown that men and women, parenting a dog are likely to be the best partners for life. Looking after a dog develops all the desired characteristics that a life partner is expected to have in them. But, there have been arguments that not all dog owners possess these desirable qualities. So, if you are looking for a date and want to tie a knot soon, fall for dog lovers and not “dog owners” to have a long lasting long lasting relationship.

Let’s have a look at these 10 enticing reasons to date a dog lover!
  1. Intensive care is natural!
  2. Caring for a pet comes with many challenges and is certainly harder than caring for human beings. A person who cares for his pet with boundless intensity, imagine how much dedicated he would be to his/her lover. So, if you choose to date a dog lover you will receive the most genuine care while you go out!

  3. You may not have to worry about their fitness scale!
  4. If you too are a pet parent then it is not needed to be said about the long walks or the fetch game sessions that your pooch demands everyday. Going for those walks twice a day and the game sessions are enough to keep you fit. So, if your crush has a dog, it is conclusive that s/he would be definitely fit.

  5. For dog lovers being responsible is like being themselves!
  6. This is the quality that everybody seeks in their partners. Irresponsible kids are way out of the league for serious dating. When you own a pet and love him with your whole heart, you are responsible for his health, eating schedules, cleanliness, etc. It is pretty obvious that s/he can take full responsibility for the one they love.

  7. Patience is not everybody’s cup of tea! And “everybody” does not include dog lovers!
  8. You may know how these furry little pups can sometimes be! There is no disagreement with them being loveable, but there are times when dogs enjoy throwing tantrums. For instance, not eating until you hand them a treat or just eating whatever they like, etc. Every pooch admirer will have enough patience which enables him/her to handle their tantrums. So, dating them will clearly not create issues due to impatience.

  9. Forgiving is not hard for them!
  10. With the day-to-day discharge accidents, pet lovers are used to it. After a line or 2 of the scoldings they easily forgive their furry friends. So, s/he may not be able to be angry with you for a longer time. Things tend to become normal at the earliest with their forgiving approach!

  11. May be one of the best companions that you would have ever met!
  12. Having a poodle as a constant companion, dog lovers may not be the “give me some space” kind of a person. Your constant presence may be overwhelming for them and this would lead to successful companionship.

  13. Adventures may not scare them!
  14. Pooches absolutely love to sniff around and embrace the unknown. The moors, woods, hills, etc. excite them to explore. With their willingness to have adventures, it is their parents that accompany them. Pet lovers are always ready to experience the fun side of the adventures. So, if you are a person that thrives for adventures, nobody could be a better date than a dog lover!

  15. They love to cuddle!
  16. When you live with a canine, his cuddles would be the first thing you may have to face in the morning. If you choose a pet lover, s/he too would be comfortable with the tight cuddles. And, successful dating definitely need cuddles!

  17. Appreciation is an art!
  18. It is inspiring how these tykes appreciate little things like the blowing wind or dribble the ball to fetch it on their own or the serenity of the nature, etc. A person that adores these fur babies may gradually learn to be in the present and live the moment rather than dwelling on the past or future. Pet lovers as dates can make your day a fun day with their appreciation skills!

  19. They are simply dog lovers! What could be better that this?
  20. In this crazy technical world, people are hardly fond of each other. So, if you find a guy or gal that genuinely loves a pup, there could no one as passionate as they are.
So, are you looking for a date, who has these qualities? Then dating a pet lover would be perfect for you. Have a happy and healthy relationship!

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