Friday, July 24, 2015

3 Prominent Blunders that can flop your Puppy Training

Training a puppy is like raising a child. Every single interaction is a training opportunity. - Ian Dunbar
3 Prominent Blunders that can flop your Puppy Training

It is rightly said that a puppy is just like a child and the more you teach him the right things the better he gets at it. But what happens when the training gets stuck due to a roadblock. This often happens if you are a first time pet owner and you are training the puppy for the very first time. There is no doubt that as a pet-parent, it becomes imperative for you to spend as much time as possible with the newest addition to your family. It is also very important to take care of them effectively by teaching them the different things that will make them a better dog in the future. But no matter how hard you try by enrolling in the best pet training class or hiring someone to train your puppy or reading a few good books or videos there are times when you get stuck and need a bit of help from an outside source to help you out of the situation. But even with that there are times when you as a pet-parent make blunders that can really screw your puppy training. Let us look at these blunders in detail:

Encouraging a habit developed early on and then discouraging them for the same habit as they grow up

Remember that consistency is one of the most important things while training your puppy. If you show inconsistency in command to the puppy, it will be very difficult for your pet to understand what you mean by that thing. For example, if you allow your puppy to climb the couch during the early part of their childhood they would develop habit of it and when they grow older to become a Doberman it will be very difficult to make them understand not to climb the couch. Hence, it is very important to inculcate the habits from early childhood so that there is no problem later on.

Trying to teach them everything too much too soon

Just like children, every puppy has a different grasping power. Hence, if you believe that a five-week crash course will serve the purpose and teach your puppy everything, think again. It is always better to be patient with your puppy and give them the time required to get real world training. It is not practical to expect your 12 week old puppy to understand what a proper heel feels like. If you try to feed too much information to the puppy it will not help in the long run. Hence, it is always better to have small goals in mind and once the puppy understands it then rush to the next goal.

Not being professional and firm while training your puppy

It has already been emphasized that puppy training requires lots of patience, understanding and empathy on the part of the pet-parent. Hence, it is imperative to always remain calm and poised while training your puppy. Unnecessary shouting or hitting the puppy will hamper your training process and will make the puppy be afraid of you. But you should always be a professional while training your puppy. You must be firm with the puppy and do not vouch for their attention. If you show these gestures it will have a tremendous effect on the overall training progression. It will hamper the growth of your puppy in the long run.

It is always important to head start the puppy training after properly researching and preparing thoroughly for the training. This will help you to be better prepared for any contingencies in the training latter on. It will also make you avoid any potential behavioral problems in the puppy in the long run. In addition to this, you do not have to train your dog again after a couple of years. It is always better to teach your puppy the right habits from the start so that you do not need to correct their behavior later on.

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