Thursday, February 26, 2015

Work On These Tips To Gift A Healthy Summer To Your Dog!

Summer is at the doorstep waiting to knock! It is the most awaited time for us. Isn’t it? Relaxing days, sunny mornings, beaches, lovely tanned skin and holidays with family! Could anything be better than this combo pack of happiness?

Work On These Tips To Gift A Healthy Summer To Your Dog!

 When we are just so absorbed in the divine rays of the sun, it is very necessary to check whether your pooch feels the same way or not. Summer is a difficult time for dogs. All the pet parents would want to take maximum possible measures to keep their canines safe and sound this summer. Don’t you want the same for your dog? Let’s check out the best summertips for dogs and gift a safe summer to our pooch.

Water availability!
Serve plenty of fresh water to your dogs as they get dehydrated easily. The bowl in which you serve water, is an issue of concern. Why? Plastic bowls tend to develop bacteria easily in summers. So, try using stainless steel or ceramic bowls. In addition, wash the bowls with soap and water after each usage. Put several bowls of water for them in a relatively cooler spot. Consider this tip as one of the most important summer tips for dogs.

Get rid of parasites!
Summer is the season of parasite infestation. Flea treatment is a must during this season. Dogs are already not big fans of summers and if on top of that fleas infest them then they would be pissed off. And you would certainly not want your dog to be grumpy in holidays. So, consult a vet and choose an appropriate parasite treatment for your pet.

It’s sad! But fur trimming can help a great deal!
Our hair irritates us in the summers. We often feel like shaving our heads and put an ice block on it in the summers. Who knows what our cute little pals must be feeling? If your dog has long fur, consult your vet and if it is okay then trim their fur. This will help them in putting up with the heat. After doing this, they will lick you and say a big thanks to you in doggy language.

Make them shed pounds, but, in the shade.
Exercise is undoubtedly necessary for our canines. But, for us, it is necessary to make sure that our friend doesn’t feel sick. Take them for a run or walk but only in the mornings or after the sunsets. Shade has to be at their rescue when they feel overheated. DO NOT overdo with their work out timings. Excessive workout can cause a heat stroke. You can even skip some days when heat forgets its bounds.

Beware! Your two minute shopping can cost your dog’s life!
It often happens that you are on a drive with your canine and happen to pass by some good stuff. However good it may be, or however cheap it may be, DO NOT leave your dogs alone in the car! Cars can heat up to ten times more than the outer atmosphere. A little opened window might not help your dog to breathe. This will cause a sun stroke and you can lose your best friend forever. So, refrain from leaving your pets in a parked car.

Splash with care!
Dogs love water! Take your furry pal to beaches and give them a relax time. Let them have some fun, away from concrete and stones. But, before that, here are some things to consider. Even if they are good swimmers, stay with them and keep a constant watch on them. Water is always unpredictable and sand makes walking difficult for their paws. Don’t let them go farther. Keep them in shallow waters. Don’t let your beach trip turn into a disaster!

Skin screams for sunscreen!
We never miss applying sunscreen in summers! Do we? Never! Dog’s skin can also have sunburns. If your dog has a thin coat or has a light colored skin, then sunscreens are necessary for him. Whenever you plan a trip, make sure you block their skins with sunscreens and protect your pooches from painful sunburns.

Frozen treats and paddling pools!
Freeze treats for your poodles and offer them. These treats will help them cool down and keep them busy. Don’t you think that there is no difference between our furry friends and us? We too die for cool treats like ice creams in summers! Give them food that cools down their bodies.

Kid’s paddling pools can make your dog’s day! Fill the pool half and let your dog have fun in the water. It will cool their bodies and decrease their body temperature, which is very calming for them. Try it! They will love being in the pool!

All in all, in coming summers only fun will not do. You need to follow these summer tips for dogs and make their summers tolerable and enjoyable. So, are you and your pooch ready for the sun?

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