Monday, September 22, 2014

Flea Allergies – Common Reason For Patchy Coat of Dogs

Flea hypersensitivity is the number one reason for dermatitis and skin allergies in dogs. These parasites bite the host animal’s skin and leave it diseased. It gradually develops into an allergy resulting in excessive shedding, hair loss, greasy, dull, dry and patchy skin coats. Extreme itching and secondary bacterial infections are the result of flea allergy in dogs.

Flea allergy can occur at any time in dogs. As pups younger than six months have under developed immune system, Dermatitis and allergies are common in them. Many start showing signs of allergy between the age of one and three years. You will observe crusts, salivary marks, patches and papules on the allergic pet’s thighs, ventral abdomen and tail area.

Symptoms of flea allergy in pets:
  • Excessive itching or pruritis is a common symptom in pets allergic to flea saliva. They end up scratching their body endlessly. It is scientifically proved that even two flea bites in a week can cause skin allergy in dogs.
  • Hair loss due to flea dirt is another sign of allergy in canines. Flea dust found on the pet’s body while grooming or combing her coat must be taken as a warning sign for chances of flea allergy in pets.
  • If the pet loses skin in some areas and results in hot spots then this is a strong sign. The spots with no hair are created due to fleabites. It is a prominent sign of allergies in fleas.

Solution for skin allergies in dogs:

With age and exposure to fleas, hypersensitivity towards their saliva may reduce. This can also happen due to the increased immunity of the pet. Flea and tick treatments like shampoos, spot-on treatments, sprays, collars and natural dips are some of the ways to prevent and treat flea allergies in pets.

Other prevention method is cleaning up the home and yard for removing fleas and ticks. You need to vacuum clean the place to destroy flea eggs and larvae. Once you remove immature stages of fleas, chances of flea attacks on the pet will reduce drastically.

If you have more than one pet then you need to treat all of them for fleas and ticks. Otherwise, the parasites will hop on other pet once you treat just one of them.

Life style management for prevention:
  • Pets with an active outdoor life are susceptible to flea attacks. So, gradually develop a habit of living indoors. This will take away Fido’s basic freedom so, make sure you control the outdoor life but do not put an end to it.
  • Preventive flea and tick treatments should be given to the pet to combat flea infestation. If you are not happy with messy and smelly spot-on treatments then you can go for chews and tablets. They are generally available as monthly treatments and can be administered by mixing in the pet’s food.
  • Daily tick removal practice and combing the pet’s coat for removing fleas will help in reducing chances of skin allergies in dogs.
  • Improving the pet’s immune system by providing healthy food and nutrition will also help a good deal in reducing chances of skin allergies in canines.
Fleas cannot be separated completely from furry pets. However, they are certainly preventable. One can reduce the flea population and the margin of damage caused by these parasites to a large extent. Taking small but timely measures can save your pet from allergies caused by fleas. So, save your pet from skin allergies by warding off fleas from his body, your home and yard. All the best! 

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