Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pet Owners get Instant Access to Local Veterinarians through Video Chat

San Bernardino County, California - Great news for San Bernardino County residents as they can now get in touch with veterinarians instantly at any time with the help of a mobile animal care app - Vet24Seven. With the help of this mobile application, pet owners can interact with their local veterinarians for a 10-minute consultation by video or screen chat

This application was started by seed capital firm LaunchCapital with an investment of $1.2 million. The great thing about the mobile app is that it is free to download. The consultation costs are expected to be between $40 and $60 depending on the urgency of the situation. This application has received rave responses in California and this thing has taken the CEO and co-founder of the mobile app Cal Lai by surprise. 

Lai developed this application after confronting a situation with his aging cat. His wife always worried about the unusual activity of the cat and often wondered whether they should go for the expensive visit to the veterinarian’s office. This prompted Lai to come up with this ingenious application which saved lots of time and money of pet owners like him who don’t have a regularpet veterinarian.

This application was made live in early July this year in the San Francisco Bay area and is currently based in Santa Clara. The company has planned for the introduction of the mobile app in Southern California and Los Angeles County in early autumn. 

Lai informed “Requests from Southern California veterinarians to sign up on the service end of the app got the application to get started earlier in this county. More than 250 veterinarians have already been signed in San Francisco Bay area and around 75 in Southern California. The numbers will constantly grow in a couple of month’s time as the application grows in number.”

 Already 200 customers have signed in to the application. Lai further added, “The San Francisco Bay Area is technologically advance and that was the primary reason to opt for this county for launch of this app. We wanted a county which was mobile oriented and the Bay Area has majority of two member families that are working. People are quite busy with their lives. With both the members of the family working it is quite difficult to take out time for a veterinarian visit. Hence, we decided to develop an app which would enable pet owners the convenience of time at the cost of negligible money.”

The app at present offers a list of nearby participating locations. The registered pet owner can then speak with the veterinarian and discuss about the problems that their pet is facing, they also have the option to attach photos and videos of the pets and send it to the vet’s app. Then the veterinarian will call back the pet owner after studying the symptoms and information provided to him. Consultation documents will then be loaded to the site’s cloud for access.

There are lots of features for the registered pet owners. The application offers registered users to opt for a local participating vet, create unlimited profile of their pets, and determine whether they would like to consult with the veterinarian on an urgent basis. There is an addition charge for urgent cases but guarantees a veterinarian’s response within 15 minutes. Otherwise, you get response from the veterinarian within four hours of interaction. Lee expects the app to grow within the next couple of years and hopes to launch the app nationwide.

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