Friday, August 7, 2015

4 Questions Every Cat Owner Should Ask Their Veterinarian during Visit

Best doctor in the world is a veterinarian. He can’t ask his patients what’s the matter. He’s just got to know.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Will Rogers
4 Questions Every Cat Owner Should Ask Their Veterinarian during Visit

When you go to visit your doctor there are a specific set of questions that you have in mind while consulting with him. But what about your feline friend who cannot speak anything? The best thing that you can do as a cat owner is to prepare a list of questions before you take your cat on an annual wellness visit or a sick visit. Hence, it is always recommended to have a list of questions ready to consult with your veterinarian.

Majority of the veterinarians commence the scrutiny of the cat by asking you questions that filter out serious feline diseases. Some of the questions are whether your feline friend has been vomiting, had diarrhea or shown any alteration in thirst, urination or appetite. Excessive thirst or urination can be signs that your feline friend is suffering from diabetes or kidney disease. After answering the questions of the veterinarian it is your chance to ask the questions to the veterinarian regarding the health of your pet:

Question: Is it necessary to vaccinate my cat?
This question is very important as there is a tendency in cat owners to miss out important dates to vaccinate your cat. It is very crucial to keep your furry friend up to date when it comes to their vaccinations and immunizations. It is something that cannot be overlooked.

Question: Is my cat healthy in terms of weight?
It has been found that more than half of the cats in the U.S. are overweight, according to a recent survey by the Association for Pet Obesity and Prevention. There are times when cat owners neglect the problems that their pets might be facing due to excessive weight. Hence, it is important for you to ask your veterinarian whether your pet has appropriate weight according to their size, stature and breed. If you find that your pet has any problem you can work with your veterinarian and ask them to resolve the problem. They can even help if your cat is underweight.

Question: Is it necessary to conduct blood test on my feline friend?
There are certain diseases like kidney and liver diseases, diabetes, cancer and various other diseases that can be treated if they are detected early. This is where regular blood tests are important as it gives your veterinarian a benchmark to compare your cat’s past reports with the present one and detect the problem early.

Question: Which flea and tick treatment is best suited for my cat?
Flea and ticks not only cause disturbance in the lives of your feline friends, but they can also transmit deadly diseases to you and your pet. Hence, it is very important to ask your veterinarian to suggest best treatment that kills and prevents fleas and ticks from the body of your pet. You can also inquire about the difference between topical and oral treatment and the best treatment that suits the lifestyle of your feline friend. There are certain oral treatments that protect your cat from both fleas and ticks for duration of up to 3 months with a single dosage.

Once you get the right answers to your questions from the veterinarian it is important to take the points into consideration and work on the betterment of the health of your feline friend.

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