Thursday, January 28, 2016

A Step-by-Step Guide for Introducing New Cat to Existing Pets in House

A Step-by-Step Guide for Introducing New Cat to Existing Pets in House

It is great news that you have welcomed a new member in the family and what better than having a new kitty to love you unconditionally. But if you already have an existing pet in the household, then it becomes an intricate task to introduce your kitty to them.
It is very important to understand that just like all pets your new feline friend will require some time to get used to the new environment. Do not rush things. Just like your new kitty the existing pets too will need some time to get used to the new member. They need to understand that the new cat is a welcome addition to the family and not a threat to them. Once that is established, you can rest assured that the pets will welcome the new kitty warmly.

But before looking at the key pointers that would ensure the good behavior of existing pets towards the new kitty; it is important to take care of the following things mentioned below:

  • When you take your new furry friend home during the initial few days keep them in a small, separate room
  • By no means introduce your new pet with the existing pets immediately
Once you have taken these things into consideration, it is important that you give space to your new pet so that they get acquainted to the smells and sounds of the house. Ensure that you have adequate food supply and ample of water with a proper litter box arrangement where the feline has been kept. If your new pet is shy they would need some space to hide whenever required. By all means never introduce the new kitty to existing pets on an immediate basis as it can result in disaster.

Give your new family member some time to settle down before patting or playing with them. This is because a new environment can cause stress in felines which needs to be taken into consideration before spending time with them.

Make the first interaction with the new kitty positive and enriching by sharing food and treats with them. This will make sure that they feel safe and sound in the new environment. Ensure that the room where the new pet is kept is kept free from small objects as they can easily be ingested by the feline. Also ensure that there are no heavy things as they can be knocked or pulled down by them, also there should not be spaces where the kitty can get into but find it difficult to get out etc.

Introducing existing dogs to the new cat

Traditionally it is well known that dogs and cats are enemies of each other, but you will be surprised to know that it is generally easier to introduce a new cat to a dog than to another cat. The major reason for that being that they are different species and do not consider themselves as direct competition of each other.

If your dog is accustomed to cats, then it will much easier to introduce the new cat. Many times it has been observed that dogs consider cats of the household as part of the family and so they live peacefully with them. However, they chase strange cats that are not part of the house.

When you introduce your new cat to the dog it is important that you keep both the pets in check until and unless they get used to each other. The very first thing that you can do is stroke the dog and cat individually and exchange their scents on each other without washing your hands. This will make them aware of each other’s scent which will make things easier for you and them.

Have the cat in a large pen during the first interaction so that the new feline can be protected. Let the dog sniff the cat through the bars so that the initial excitement fades away. The cat may also hiss and spit but it can all be in a confined manner.

You can even let the cat sleep in a large pen besides the dog so that both the pets can get acquainted with each other’s smell. This can take a few weeks or months. There are certain dogs that are quite aggressive against cats for those dogs you can put a lead on them and make them sit quietly. Then the new cat can approach the dog if they find it safe. Once the dog behaves properly reward them with a treat.

Introducing existing cats to the new cat

Your existing furry friend will recognize the presence of a new feline very swiftly and this can lead to anger and crankiness in them. Never rush to introduce the cats to each other. Keep the new pet separate with the other cats for at least a week for health reasons along with behavioral reasons. The bedding of the new cat needs to be exchanged with the existing ones so that they can get used to each other’s smell.

Keep baby gates between both the cats so that they can see each other but cannot touch each other directly. Give them treats in the presence of each other so that they can get used to positive experiences when they are together.

Make them meet with each other for a short period of time. If they hiss and growl consider it to a normal cat behavior and do not panic. If you see both of them getting aggressive, separate them instantly. Until and unless you are 100% sure do not leave the cats out in the open on their own.

It can take a couple of weeks and even months for the cats to get used to each other so be patient with them. Always have multiple litter boxes, feeding stations and cat trees so that the cats do not feel that their basic needs are neglected.  

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