Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to Evaluate the Genuineness of Doggy Day Care?

Doggy day care seems to be a very great idea at least at the first glance. The option of keeping your pets safe and sound in the company of professionals, who provide a clean, warm and airy space for animals to run around, provide plenty of nutritious food and a happy time to them in general. But do you know that things can go from good to worse for your dogs in a matter of seconds if proper care is not given in selecting a doggy day care for them. When you look at the different animals that come in a doggy day care it is easy to believe that they would mingle together and learn to socialize. It is far from the truth.
  • The training that is provided by the pet owners is by far superficial, and those animals with wild traits if let loose can do more damage to your pet than you can imagine. Every year we see lots of dogs coming home from doggy day care with bloody bite injuries and nipped-off ears along with eye injuries caused by aggressive attacks from other dogs. This is not the only reason to worry for pet owners.
  • The other reasons are the increase in the number of dogs escaping from the doggy day care. The reason for that being the enclosure that is built to keep them secure, do not shield them, which make the dogs jump out, run off the street and get run over.
  • Dogs with health problems are kept with healthy dogs. This leads to pets getting diseases from doggy dare care like fleas.
  • Doggy day care employees use tactics which are quite cruel like usage of cold water to separate two aggressive dogs, stopping excessive barking, howling and other animal noise. This can cause stress in dogs.
Hence, it is very important to find a safe and sound doggy day care for your pooch. Let us look at some of the ways to determine whether a doggy day care is safe for your pooch or not:
  • The way they question about your pooch: When you approach a doggy day care, it is important to note the way they question you about your pooch. If they do not ask questions like the temperament of the dog and their likes and dislikes then you can be sure that it is a terrible place to keep your dog. A doggy day care that does not ascertain the behavior of the dog and takes them without learning about them makes the case even prompt of fights between two mismatched dogs resulting in injuries.
  • The different types of Playgroup they possess: Once they ask the right questions and ascertain the behavior of your dog it becomes very important to judge whether they have different types of Playgroup for different dogs. One example of that is a pushy Labrador cannot be put in the same Playgroup as a Border collie. Hence, it is very important to ask them about their Playgroup policies.
  • Various activities for dogs: A good doggy day care will have a schedule of activities that will keep the dogs busy during the day. Some of these activities include: fetch, hide and seek, tag, etc. These activities will be based on different breeds of dogs. Hence, it is important to get comprehensive knowledge of these activities from them before you enroll your dog.
  • The training that each staff member at dog day care has received: As a pet owner, you need to ensure that your dog is in the right hands when you select a doggy day care. Here it is important to ask questions about different tactics that a staff member will use when a dog indulges in an inappropriate behavior. If the dog has a sustained injury how will the workers react to that? The staff members who are working day in and out with dogs should at least have some basic CPR and first aid knowledge of dogs. You should also verify whether the center is properly sensitized to animals.
Before taking the final decision of selecting the doggy day care it is important to explore for different options by browsing the Better Business Bureau website or Pet Care Services Association website and look for complaints that have been posted by dog owners and then decide the best doggy day care for your pooch.

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