Monday, October 26, 2015

6 Ingenious Ways to make your Pet Drink more Water

6 Ingenious Ways to make your Pet Drink more Water

As human beings, we are told to drink 8 cups of water every day for healthy living. Similarly, pets also require water for overall health and well-being. Did you know these facts mentioned below:

  • 80% of your pet’s body (including dogs and cats) is made up of water. In comparison human being’s body is made up of 60% water. Hence it is very important to make your pet drink enough water during the day.
  • For every kilo of your dog you should serve 65 mls of water a day
  • If you have a Chihuahua weighing 1.5 kg then you should serve 195 mls of water a day
  • On an average a German Shepherd male that weighs 35 kg requires 2.3 liters of water per day
  • A normal cat’s daily water intake on an average is 60 ml/kg per day
  • If the cat is eating canned food, then they need to drink less than 1 ounce of additional water per day
  • If the cat is eating dry food, then they need to drink over 7 ounces of water per day
  • During summers, your pets require more water and fluids to hydrate themselves, hence, always have clean, fresh water accessible to them so that they can grab the cool drink whenever they want
If your dog or cat does not drink enough water they can be exposed to serious health problems. This is due to the fact that water assists in pet functioning. Let us look at some of the ways water helps in the functioning of pets:

  • Water is the medium through which important nutrients move and absorb into the body
  • Water is the key component that assists in digestion and also helps in the functioning of the brain, lungs, and muscles and carries the blood flow through the veins
  • With the help of water toxins are flushed out of the system. If there is not enough water in the system the toxins remain inside the body of the pet
  • Water also assists in regulating the temperature of the body. So whenever you see your pooch panting it means that they need water immediately
  • In the worst scenarios without adequate water organs inside the pet’s body can be damaged and in the long run will cease functioning
But there are times when your pets do not want to drink water like they should. In such a situation you can encourage your pets to drink more water and remain hydrated by following the things mentioned below:
  • Insert ice cubes in their water bowl
  • Utilize a pet fountain. This is one of the tricks to encourage your pet to drink from running water (liked by pets)
  • Turn on the sink tap. This is great for cats as they love to drink from the sink
  • Provide wet food to your pet
  • Integrate some water of broth to dry kibble
  • Prepare a pet-friendly Popsicle
  • Put water bowls in more than one location in the house, even in outdoors so that your pet can drink adequate water
After conducting these things you need to verify the stats given above as a benchmark and then determine whether your pet is drinking adequate water or not. If they are drinking adequate water, it is good. But if the answer is in negative, then approach a veterinarian immediately and try to find out the reason for disinterest shown by your pet towards water. Get them treated.

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