Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Celebration With Pets- Tips To Safeguard Your Furry Friends!

Halloween is one of the most celebrated days in the USA. This trick or treating festival is just around the corner, waiting for kids and adults to live their childhood with costume parties, going nuts over spooky places, lots of candies and decorative instincts. With carved pumpkin lanterns and bonfires all around, Halloween also becomes a day of being cautious.

In this gleeful atmosphere of Halloween, the entire family joins the celebration, including pets. As canines and felines are not considered any less than a family, all pet owners make it a point to include them in festivities like costume parties, etc. However, apart from the obvious dangers of bonfires and lit lanterns, there are many things to keep in mind for your pet’s safe inclusion in the party.

Halloween Celebration With Pets- Tips To Safeguard Your Furry Friends!

Let’s have a look at some tips to safeguard your pet’s Halloween!

Candies- Sweet Poison for pets!
Halloween day is all about trick and treating where children go door-to-door for treats. Every household may have loads of candies on this day. Apparently, candies and chocolates are not a good idea for pets. Chocolate is one of those things whose consumption may put your pet in a critical condition. Thus, it is advised to buy some pet safe treats for your fur babies if you really want them to join you in eating something sweet. Don’t forget to keep all the regular sweets out of your pet’s reach!

Noise- For you it is Halloween, but for your pet it is just a day!
We all are well aware of the noise that Halloween brings and also about how pets feel about that noise. The constant ringing of the doorbell for, Halloween party at your home, etc. might scare your pet or make him anxious. If you are planning to have a Halloween bash at your place, it may be better if you keep your furry friend in another room. Mutt muffs could be a great option if your pet is going to stay indoors.

Halloween costume for pets- Make sure it is safe and not only fun!
Getting a Halloween costume for your pet may be a little risky. Thus it is necessary to choose a perfect one for your furry pal. The safest costume is one that easily fits your pet, is not too loose or not too tight. The costume should have straps which makes it easy to remove in emergencies. Let your four legged friend practice it before 2-3 days. Start with a few minutes and observe his discomfort, if any.

Decorations- Don’t let your light blow off your pet!
Halloween is supposed to have a spooky touch. Thus the decorations have that touch and usually include lit candles and pumpkins. It is essential to be careful with Halloween decorations when you have a canine or feline at home. Make sure no lit candle or pumpkin is in reach of your furry pals. You may not even realize when this festive occasion might turn into a mishap if not looked after.

Runaway Pets- Halloween is definitely not the time of freedom!
All pet owners feel that they should give some off-leash time to their four legged friends. However Halloween is definitely not that time. Around the buzz of Halloween’s festivities, if you let your pooch or kitty roam around, they may get lost or stolen. Keep your feline indoors and your canine always on leash during these days to avoid any unwanted situation. Moreover, if you have not micro chipped your pet yet, then this may be the best time to do it. Update the collar tags of your pets with complete information.

In all, along with all the fun and spooky aura, Halloween also brings several responsibilities for pet owners. Follow these tips to block any unwanted situation with your beloved pets. Happy Halloween to all pets and their parents!

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