Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Training a Puppy – Trivial Things but Important Lessons for Your Pup

Training a Puppy – Trivial Things but Important Lessons for Your Pup

As a parent of a young pup, you may be wondering when to start training your puppy to help him grow into a disciplined and lovable companion. If you still haven’t started training your puppy or new dog, then get started because there is no fix time to start the training. You need to start training your new pup immediately when you got him. 

He is always learning, whatever you do with him. Whether feeding him, playing with him, taking him on a walk or just moving around in the house doing your daily chores. Everything you do, he learns – whether good or bad. From the day first if you are not giving me training then probably he will end up in bad behaviour and unknowingly you are teaching him wrong things.

Start with small things. Discipline him in the right way that he doesn’t end up growing into wild beast barking and whining at everybody or doing things that may irritate you. 

Attention Grabber
Is your puppy always jumping on your leg to seek your attention? That is not at all a way for having your attention. Suppose you have a large breed pup, nobody would be able to hold that weight. When you puppy starts jumping on your lap, never give him attention, but as soon as he stops, talk to him and praise him a lot. This will make your pup realise to be on the floor and jumping is not accepted.

Crazy Crate Habit
Crate training is one the essential parts of the basic training. If your puppy barks in his crate and you let him out, then that is not a good idea. He will carry this always. If you find that your puppy doesn’t want to be in crate and by barking he makes it out. Then, it’s time to change. If your puppy barks in the crate, wait till he stops barking and then let him out. This way he learns that you will let him only out when he does not bark. 

Zip! Zap! Zoom!!! Running....
Your pup - taking away your socks or any little things and just running away making you go around behind him. Not a good idea. For your pup, it may seem more enjoyable as dogs always love chase games. But, unfortunately this tends to make them naughty, and irritating you now and then becomes their routine. To change this habit, never chase your pup. Rather you start running and make him chase. Because, dogs usually love to chased by or chase their owners. You do the other way, run away from your puppy and Bingo! They will run behind you. 

Good Boy! Sit..Sit..Sit..Sit..Sit..Sit..Oops
Are you making your pup sit this way? Telling him to sit hundred times and when you get exhausted he puts his butt down and wags his tail. You need to train him to get his butt touch to the floor just in one go. Never say too many times to make him get down on his two paws. Reward him with some treat or SavourLife biscuits, when he puts down his butt just in one go. He will learn to listen to you just in one word with delicious treat practice.

What are you thinking? It’s never too late to start training your cute pup finding whatever you have taught your puppy is not right. It’s time to build up manners in your pup. Having a pup with good obedience, well socialised and undefiled house manners, is what you, me and all of us think of. As a puppy raiser, it will be always adventurous, challenging but heart-warming job to train your fluffy pup. And, that is what we all want and love to do. Share your experience as a puppy raiser or do enlighten us with some of your puppy training tips.


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