Friday, May 6, 2016

Odd Night Limping Behavior in Dogs....Perplexing Reasons and Easy Solutions

Canine lameness is a very difficult subject since it deals with the condition when dogs are feeling excruciating pain. The peculiar thing about the limping behavior is that it can be subtle or profound, affecting one limb or multiple, intermittent or constant, worse in morning, worse at night, worse after rest, or even worse after or during exercise.

My Dog Limps Only at Night

In this write-up, we will discuss about the limping behavior of dogs at night, which is really very strange because dogs normally conduct tasks like exercise, mountain hiking and even swimming during the day time but when the night approaches they start limping. This is due to arthritis and the symptoms begin to show up only when the sun sets. Some of them are:
  • Cold temperature
  • Soreness due to excessive activity
  • Tautness as a result of immobility
The peculiar thing about arthritis is that too much of exercise can cause soreness while too little can lead to tautness. Hence, it is important to balance out the exercise regime that is best for your furry pal.

Why My Dog Limps Only At Night ?

Let us now look at some of the steps that can assist in correcting this doggie behavior:

Consult with your veterinarian and get the best pain relieving medication

There are loads of articles on the internet where you can read about managing dog arthritis naturally. It is important to understand that not all pain relieving medications are effective and so it is important to select the one that is best for your doggie. Also note that it needs to be given on those days when your doggie is suffering from excruciating pain during nights. There are loads of medications available online, consult with your veterinarian and get the best one for your pooch.

It has been observed that Glucosamine supplements are best to manage arthritis in dogs. Give the supplement to the pooch every morning and then follow the same walk, play and activity routine for a couple of weeks. During the nights observe how well your furry friend is coping with the pain by evaluating him in the scale of 1 to 10. If after a couple of weeks you observe positive changes then continue with the treatment till eventually the night limpness wears out.

Message your furry pal

Just like human beings messages can give great relief to dogs limping during night. It reduces their muscle tension and enhances circulation in their itchy joints. If you need to find out the exact way to message your tyke Google the keywords “messaging your dog suffering from arthritic pain” and learn from different videos.

Use a heat pad

If the limping is caused due to colder weather at night the best resort is to utilize heat pad. Get a modern heat pad that does not get too hot and ensure that your doggie is safe from extreme heat. This will provide relief to the pooch and he will start feeling better in several days.

Purchase arthritic-friendly products

Get products that are best for your arthritic dog. The products mentioned below can make the life easier for your furry friend:
  • Ramps or stairs for easy movement
  • Lifted food bowls
  • Orthopedic beds
  • Carriers or slings
Also ensure that you are maintaining a healthy weight of your pooch as a few extra pounds can exert lots of pressure on his joints. Cut the extra treats and maintain a low impact exercise regime. Regularly monitor the progress and inform your veterinarian. It is better to start a management plan for your pooch that perfectly meets the bill.

1 comment:

  1. Good information. Thanks!
    Having even little knowledge on these things can be very useful at times and can prevent a trip to the emergency animal hospital.
