Monday, April 18, 2016

5 Things That Changed The Lives of My Dog Forever - An Ultimate Flea Protection Guide

Fleas have been the pesky parasites that have been troubling dog owners for millennia. It is always a dreadful experience when you realize that your pooch has fleas. The one thing that dog owners need to know is that even if you have a clean environment and well-protected dog, fleas have the habit of finding their way to get to your doggie. That is exactly the reason we have written this piece of work to discuss about different things that can make your pooch completely flea free. Let us now look at some of the tips that will help us in achieving this objective. If you want know How To Make Your Dog Flea Free, then these tips will be vital.

Want to Make your Pooch Flea Free: Follow these Tips Today!!

Enhance the diet of your dog

The quality of food that you are feeding your pooch is of paramount importance. One of the key things to do is feed canned raw food to your canine. If you feed processed food to your tyke it will attract fleas because fleas love the taste of sugar and kibble diets can increase the blood glucose levels in dogs that make fleas to get on the dog’s body. The other reason is that fleas are attracted to dogs that have a strong odor and less healthy skin. Hence, it is advised to provide a balanced raw diet, which results in healthy skin and coat of the dog with no doggy smell.
An Ultimate Flea Protection Guide for Dogs

Utilize a natural flea repellent

It is recommended to utilize natural flea repellant like fresh cedar and lemon grass. With a monthly application the skin and coat of your dog shines and it keeps the fleas away from the pet.

Bath your pooch on a regular basis

It is advised to use the right shampoo and not a dish detergent or a human shampoo on a weekly basis. It is important that you keep your pooch clean so that he does not attract fleas.

Regularly clean the house

Get rid of the carpet and mop the floors every day. Vacuum the area rugs three days a week. Put the dog in the yard for the day; spray all the corners of the house including furniture, rugs and carpets. This will ensure that your dog does not get fleas.

Visiting a dog park is a big NO!!

When you have taken all the possible precautions to eliminate the chance of fleas on your furry friend do not ruin it by taking your pooch to the dog park because dogs are not properly cared for in the park, no one cleans the dog poop, dog park is not the only place to socialize your pet, there are aggressive and anxious dogs in the park, chances of the dog to attract fleas is increased because not every dog owner takes the precaution as specified in this write-up.

Follow these tips and your pooch will never have to face the trouble of irritation caused by these pesky parasites. By the way, do not use any chemical flea repellant!!

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