Thursday, October 27, 2016

Things To Avoid While House-Training Your Puppy

Things to Avoid while House-Training your Puppy

When bringing a new puppy in your house the very first thing that needs to be done is to house-train him. Since dogs are naturally clean who do not soil their den, house-training them should not be a difficult task for dog owners. But the only criteria for success is to do everything correctly. But there are certain owners who make the mistake of taking things for granted and commit these sins that cost them a big way while house-training the pups.

So, do not ever make these mistakes ever:

Avoid Puppy House-training Mistakes

1. Scolding & Hitting

The first reaction when your doggy has an accident in the house is to scold and hit him. But that is not the right way to do the things. It is not only wrong morally, but it also does not serve any purpose. It has been proven by dog behavioral studies that punishing a pooch after an accident does not help in house training. The reason for that is, he will never understand why he is being punished. Scolding or punishing will only hurt your relationship with him. So avoid it at any cost.

2. Carrying The Furry Companion Outside

One of the biggest mistakes that dog owners do is by picking up and carrying the puppies outside when they have to go potty. It is very important that your puppy knows how to ask out and get out. This excludes last-minute emergency situation. Always guide him out instead of picking him up and carrying him out yourself. This way, he will become independent and learn the way to his bathroom. The same thing can be taught if you are training your furry pal to utilize a pee pad or a litter box. The only magical mantra to be followed is to guide him to the appropriate place and he will soon learn to go there independently.

3. Taking The Furry Pal To The Toilet Place Once He Has An Accident In The House

There are certain dog owners who take their puppy to their potty area to tell them that this is the place where he needs to go for potty and not the inappropriate place where he has an accident. Always remember that this does not work as dogs do not understand this thing and it will only confuse them further.

4. Making The Puppy Watch As You Clean Up The Mess

There are certain dog owners who believe that letting their puppies see them clean up the mess after the accident will encourage them to use the appropriate potty place to relieve. But this is not true. The evidence can be found from the fact that mother dogs always clean up after the puppies without ever correcting them. This makes the puppy leave the den when they are approximately 3 weeks of age to potty somewhere else as their instincts takes over.

5. Not Picking Up A Phrase To Induce Him To Potty

A lot of dog owners feel that it is wrong to talk to their puppies while they are trying to potty. They believe that the puppy might get disturbed and will not complete the action. But this is not true. In fact, when you say a phrase like "Do it" and say it every time your pooch eliminates it makes him associate with the phrase "do it" with doing it". This phrase alone will induce him to potty.

So, avoid making these puppy house-training mistakes and ensure that all the hard work done by you pays off in the end.

Also, Read our more inspirational Pet Care Tips Blogs to know about how to handle your loving pets more easily.

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