Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tips to Celebrate Your Pet's Birthday Differently

Who doesn't like to throw a birthday party and enjoy it fully? Lavished gifts, decorations, a big creamy cake and lot of attention –are the things that make everybody go crazy about it. Well, the same thing stands true for your pet. It’s your pet’s birthday and you would love to enjoy it with full zest and enthusiasm. To help you have full fun and lots of enjoyment, here are few tips that makes your pet’s birthday party special.  

Throw a Big Bash Birthday Party
As you love those party times, you pet may also like to have one on this occasion. Arrange for fun-filled party inviting your pet’s friends along with their doggie parents. Fill it will tasty treats and games for your pet and his playmates, beautiful decorations and don’t forget those huge birthday party hats (can embellish them with your pet’s name). Take funky clicks of your pet along with guests. Have some unusual way of having a great memory like taking prints of your pet’s paws and his friends.

Booow-wooooh Tasty Cake
Birthday and cake is missing…..no, no. Your pet’s birthday is never complete without a cake. Order a special dog or cat cake for your pet. If you know any special flavor that your dog or cat loves to eat heartily, you can order one such cake. But, remember have a pet friendly and nutritious cake that can be good for your pet. There are special stores that sell cakes that are suitable for both humans and pets.

A Doggy Treat
Well, just cake does not seem to be enough for your pet’s birthday party. Plan some tasty treats including special dog or cat treats and snacks which your pet and pet friends may love to cherish. There are various animal snacks and food available, which can be ordered on this special occasion.  

Not Beyond Limits
Your pet’s birthday party is for fun and enjoyment. Your pet’s over indulgence in food may have adverse effects on him. With fun and frolic, also take care that your doggie or kitty is not having a huge share of cake or any other food finding it too tasty for the day.

Pamper your Pet
It’s a great time to shower bundle of love on your pet. Take some time out and arrange a bubble bath for your pet to enjoy for some time. With all your care, pamper him and give a great massage, which he will like the most. You can even give him a dog or cat spa treat to have great relaxation. This way you can make him feel different on this day.

Mesmerizing Presents
You can never think of a birthday without presents. In the form of presents, you can shower all love on him. Plan with your family, what special gift you would like to get for your furry friend. For example, you can bring a beautiful cozy bed or a small playing animal shed.

Plan a Pet Game with Pet Playmates
You can plan a game, where family and friends can bring their pets to play. Book a dog location or gather them all at dog-park to have fun. For indoor pets, plan inside like your home or a restaurant. Be a responsible pet host by ensuring that water and food is available readily. Check that waste is disposed properly and other pet parents are taking care of their own pets.

Explore Neighborhood
Birthday is precious day, where you and your family would like to have some personal time with your Fido or kitty. Take him on a small trip to any excitement park in your city. You can even plan to explore some unknown place mixed with adventure and fun. Take your dog or cat food and water along with you. But be careful in unexplored regions. Don’t leave your furry pal alone. Have him on a collar and a leash for his safety.  

Tinsels, ribbons, birthday balloons, festoons and many different decorating things are the real gist of a birthday party, but beware; they can be too dangerous for your pet. Tiny decorating things such as tinsels and dangling ornaments will look attractive to pets especially cats. Take care that it does not lie around on the ground, and after party properly remove them all. If accidentally swollen by your cat or a dog, a surgery may be required to remove it. Therefore, it is better that you ensure that all decorating items are removed carefully away from your pet.

Lot of love and just little care will make your pet’s birthday party into a great successful and mesmerizing event for long to cherish. 

For similar pet care tips visit: www.bestvetcare.com/blog

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