Monday, September 29, 2014

Most Common Cat Illnesses and Their Symptoms

If you have a cat at home, or are planning to get one then you should know some common diseases and ailments that may catch up your kitty. This will help you in taking precautions to prevent diseases. Cats are prone to certain diseases, which can be kept at bay by having complete knowledge about them. This knowledge will help pet parents to understand whether their pet is facing some underlying health issues or is just going through a usual mood swing.

Here is an account of common cat diseases and their symptoms:

Conjunctivitis: This common eye problem in cats is the result of infection. This is common in kittens with weak immune system. Blinking, watery discharges, swollen eyes, squinting are some of the symptoms of conjunctivitis in cats. The infected feline feels itchy and irritated. Delay in the treatment is not advisable as it affects the cat’s vision.

Starting stages of Conjunctivitis can be treated easily with a mild ophthalmic cleanser available over the counter. If positive results are not observed within a day, then consulting a veterinarian is the next step. Make sure you give early treatment to the feline or else she may develop purulent conjunctivitis, which is a severe condition.

Gingivitis: It is the first stage of Periodontis, one of the most wide spread dental diseases in cats. It happens due to accumulation of food particles, plaque and bacterial film on the cat’s gumline. Treatment of these early signs is a must otherwise hardening of tartar will start between her gums and teeth resulting in red gums, bad breath and weak teeth.

Gingivitis should be treated on an earlier note or else it can spread in the cat’s blood stream and damage other body organs including kidney. Professional teeth cleaning and daily teeth brushing with feline toothpaste are the methods of controlling and preventing this disease. Good oral hygiene and antibiotics are the best way of curing this dental problem in cats.

Upper respiratory infections: These are the result of invasion of viruses and bacteria. They attack the cat’s nose, sinus and throat. Runny noses, fever, breathing problem and nasal congestion are some of the symptoms of upper respiratory infections in cats. Stress is also a strong cause of these problems in cats. Viruses are spread through food bowls, water bowls and close contacts with other patients.

Antibiotic treatment is the foremost solution to reduce its affects. Keep your kitty indoors to avoid contact with other infected pets and to reduce secondary bacterial infections. Lowering the stress levels by keeping her happy will sort out the matter at an earliest pace. Do all this under Vet’s guidance and observation.

Feline diabetes: When cats cannot produce insulin to balance blood sugar then this diseased condition is called diabetes mellitus. It causes loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, depression etc. If not treated the worst result of this problem would be the death of the pet. Increased thirst and excessive urination are the signs of diabetes in cats.

Diagnosis is done through blood and urine test. Behavioral signs can also point towards this condition. Insulin therapy that involves giving insulin shots is the best way to minimize this problem. As it is not a curable disease, you need to keep dietary regulations like low carbohydrate diet to control this sugar problem in cats.

Obesity: This is another cat disease, which has affected nearly half of the cat population in the United States. As felines live, a sedentary life style they are prone to catching up weight. Overweight cats have more chances of developing other diseases like diabetes, arthritis, respiratory problems etc. Common symptoms apart from extra weight are lethargy, resistance to movement etc.

A Veterinarian can guide you about the ideal weight of your pet. You need to monitor her food and say no to extra carbs. Regular exercise, games or activity sessions will help her shed extra pounds. Just keep her fit to avoid other health issues caused due to obesity.

To sum up, these common cat diseases may occur to your pussy. Just become a proactive pet parent and take steps to avoid them. Vet would be an ideal guide and helping hand in dealing with these diseases so, be regular with your vet visits. That’s it! Keep these diseases at bay to keep your furry pussy fit and fine!

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