Thursday, October 9, 2014

When is the Time to Change your Veterinarian

Blindly trusting a Vet can be one of the major mistakes of any pet parent’s life. Issues regarding poor Vet practices are cropping up every now and then. It is the responsibility of pet parents to check whether a particular Vet is fit for their pet or not. There are chances when your pet has to pay for the mistakes of his doctor. You can easily avoid this by taking a firm decision of switching a Vet when things go in the other direction.

If your pet does not have phobia of Vet visits and still shows signs of discomfort at the mention of Vet then you need to introspect real reasons behind it. Beyond this pet anxiety, there are plenty of other reasons like poor diagnosis, inadequate facilities, no emergency help, lack of veterinary equipment, poor cooperation from the staff etc. If you are facing all these issues then it’s time to put your foot down and switch to a better veterinary practitioner.

Let us check out various reasons for the need of switching a Vet. 

Some of the common reasons for changing Vet are:

The not so perfect bonding: Yes! This is a prime reason as pets are supersensitive and may not like a particular Vet. They may feel anxious in his/her presence. If your pooch is stressed up during the interaction with the Vet then you can give a chance to another Vet who takes care of the comfort of your furry child.

When it comes to you then as a pet parent, you need someone who can listen to the minutest details about your pet’s common or grave problems. In addition, he should be your best advisor on how to deal with your pet. If the Vet lacks on these factors then think of an alternative.

Clinic and its hygiene: Firstly, the Vet clinic should not be far from your place. In case of emergencies, you cannot reach out to a distant place. So, keep distance in mind while choosing a Vet’s place. Next big thing is about the cleanliness and hygiene of the clinic.
If the place smells foul or is kept unclean then it is a big turn off. The reason is your pet may catch up many infections from the clinic itself. If the clinic is unhygienic on a permanent basis then it is an alarming sign.

Staff cooperation: Animals need to be kept around people who love to care for them. If the Vet or the staff show signs of reluctance in showing the necessary care for their patient then it is a big put off. If they are trying to hide certain areas of their clinic then you can sense poor hygiene there.

You can expect a dirty place once in a while but if that is a regular business then it is better to try another Vet.

Emergency service: If your pet’s favorite doctor is not available 24x7 then there must be an alternative Vet ready for consultation. If the clinic lacks proper medical facilities including a substitute doctor then it loses out brownie points in forming a bond of trust with the pet parents.

If not that then at least there should be detailed information about whom to call in absence of the doctor, where to go if the clinic is closed for a while or an online Vet service number etc. The Vet must arrange these facilities if he is an efficient practitioner.

Budget concerns: If your pet care budget is inflating and the Vet is not doing much about it then you can think of a more affordable clinic. Finance is an important aspect as many Veterinarians may charge heavy prices, which is neither appreciable nor affordable.

Beyond this, if you or your pet cannot connect with the Vet then it is time to think of a change. The relation between a Vet and pet is that of mutual trust, comfort and care. If any or all of these is missing then you can start searching for someone better. Make sure you choose an animal doctor who is experienced, updated, kind and clicking. All the best!

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