Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to Take Care of your Dog’s Minor Wounds at Home

An injury, a cut, or a wound is a traumatic for your pet. Whether a large portion or a small, these wounds need to be attended and taken proper care of. Normally, dog bites create wound, which is quite painful. Sometimes, large portion of skin has wounds - can be too deep or at the most sensitive area. For such wounds, veterinary help is necessary.

When wounds are not so deep or are normal at a small portion, you can take care of such wounds at home. In your pet first aid box, you can have certain things listed below, which are used for wound care. If you are not having them, there are numerous online pet supplies store from where you can order them.

Find what things you require to provide wound care for your dog to cover those small injuries or wound.

Different Dog Wound Care Items You Need
  • Water-based lubricant
  • Electric clippers, razors or scissors
  • Warm water
  • Disinfectant solution
  • Antiseptic spray or solution
  • Clean towels or clothes
  • Antibacterial cream
Steps to Take Care of Minor Wounds
  • For small dog, take him on a table or counter in front of you. Get down in case of a large dog. Have support of other pair of hands in order to gently restraint your pet if required.
  • Apply water-base lubricant on and around the wound to make shaving of hair easier. It also helps in removing shaved hair around the wound easier apart from decreasing contamination.
  • With the help of electric clippers, remove hair around the wound. If your pooch’s hair is too long, use scissors or a disposable razor taking care that you do not cut the skin.
  • Take a clean and dry cotton cloth, and wipe away the lubricant along with the hair.
  • Wash the area with warm water including a wound care solution until all the debris is removed. And, then pet dry with clean cloth.
  • Now, on this wound apply antiseptic solution or spray. These products are highly effective and are widely used by vet assistants in vet offices for wound care. This solution kills bacteria and fungus that cause skin infection.
  • After this, apply anti-bacterial or anti-fungal cream like Dermaclens or Dermavet. They are highly used for wounds, cuts and abrasions.  
  • Pets usually lick their wounds. Using creams with bittering agent, which will discourage pets from licking.
  • After application, at least avoid your pet from grooming. Take your dog for a walk and if kitten, take her in your lap and caress.
  • Do not apply a bandage over the area as this can adversely worsen the condition.
  • In spite of wound care at home, your pet wound worsens; the best step is to take him to a vet.

These are just a few things to follow when your dog is facing some minor injury or wound. If he has some serious cut or deep wound, consult your vet for treatment. Sometimes, deep cuts or injuries may even require stitches. 

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