Saturday, March 21, 2015

8 Wonderful Gestures to Show Love to Your Dogs

How do you show love to your furry poodle? There is a saying which enhances the fact that nothing other than your love can make your dog happy. It may take some extra efforts to show your love to your four legged friends. But the efforts are worth your pet’s happiness.

“Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.”

Here, there are 8 wonderful gestures suggested that could make your furry friend wag his tail!

1- New Toys
Special days and holidays could be made more special with new toys for your poodle. He would love to have some change in his regular playing stuff. You can gift him with new toys and a bit of your time to play with. This gesture will be absolutely appreciated by your dog.

2- Spa and pet-i-cure day
A spa can be a perfect way to celebrate your canine’s birthday. Bathe him in a long tub filled with bubbles and play some soft music in the background. If your pooch is a water lover, he will long for this treat. Groom him and dress him with a completely new dress. This can be a smooth way to build a stronger relationship with your pet. Try it and your pet may show signs to get this special treatment everyday!

3- A day off to the dog park or beach
Your busy weeks can bore your tyke and everybody knows how much they can sulk! Isn’t it? Try taking a day off and make it a pet-fun day. Take your dog to a park or beach where he may exert his energy and have some great moments with his pet parent. If at all he could speak our tongue, he would have thanked you for this, innumerable times.

4- Tasty treats
Plan a surprise for your lovely canines! Buy some of the favorite treats of your pooch and gift pack it in a way that he could open up easily. When is away from his bed, keep the pack on it. Bring him to that room unintentionally and let him notice his surprise. You will see sparkly love-struck eyes when your poodle will find his gift! This can be a fun and exciting way to show your love for your dog.

5- Play Fetch
Dogs simply love to play fetch! You can make your pet’s day an exciting one by sparing some hours from your schedule. After you get off from work, play fetch with your furry pal. This can be a good exercise for your friend and he will love to spend some fun-time with you. Isn’t it a simple yet effective way to show your love for your dog?

6- A long talk
Sometimes a simple gesture like a long talk with your dog can make him happy. Lie down and let your poodle cuddle with you. Talk to him, ask him questions about his routine and make him feel like he is the best part of your life. This will make your bond stronger and your little tyke will be a lot happier than before.

7- Pet’s party
This can be an unusual idea to show how much you care about your sweet friend. If you get together frequently with your friends that have pets, plan a combined party for your pets. First, let them meet casually twice or thrice. After they feel comfortable around each other, plan a party. Games, meals, treats and lots of love for your pets can make their day the most memorable one.

8- Home-made treats
Cooking for someone is a pure sign of love. Canned food or ready-made treats can surely make your pooch happy, but your hand in cooking could be a Midas touch. Cook delicious treats for your pets and serve them fresh. This will make your pooch wag his tail like never before!

In all, pet parents may need to take some extra efforts to show how much they love their four-legged friends. One special effort can make your pooch a lot happier. Try these ideas and share your experiences with us by commenting below.

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