We all love pets. If you are fascinated to know more about cats and their breeds. We have come up with a new write up for a breed of cat that is Ragdoll. Read out here and know more about this beautiful, mysterious and spirited animal. Lets go ahead:
Perfect Name For This Breed:
This breed of the cat is named Ragdoll because of how they respond when they are picked up. They immediately go limp like a Ragdoll. This breed loves to receive the affection and to be held and cuddled.
Largest Domestic Cat Breed:
Ragdolls are known for their large size as well as their endless combinations of fur colors and patterns. Females weigh up to 15 pounds and males may weigh up to 20 pounds. They are heavy to carry but they love to enjoy being held.
Striking Bright Eyes:

Ragdolls have stunning and striking eyes. Bright blue eyes of this breed are one of the signature features. Some of them have blue-green or gold color depending on the coat variation of the Ragdoll cat.
Different Patterns and Colors of Fur:
Ragdolls have many types coats, with lighter body combined with a darker face, ears, tail and legs. They may be lilac, blue, red, cream, chocolate or seal. There are four possible patterns:
- Colorpoint: The cat has dark colored points on its tail, legs, ears and face.
- Bicolor: Kitty has an upside down "V" shaped face mask along with white neck, chest, stomach and legs.
- Mitted: They are with white paws which look like mittens.
- Van: The cat has solid body with darker coloring on the ears, heads and tail.
Love Running Water:
Ragdolls enjoy and are fascinated by all forms of water. They are intrigued by the sound of running water. It may come running when you turn on the tap or shower.
Referred As "Puppy Cats":
Ragdolls get along with children very well as they like to be cuddled and held. They are referred as "puppy cats" because of their canine like behavior such as they may run or follow you where ever you go in house, from room to room; they like to fetch toys that are thrown for them.
Ragdoll Is A Cat Of Algonquin Hotel:
The Algonquin Hotel in New York City has had a resident cat for 10 cats since 1930. The reigning Ragdoll named Matilda III, who took over the position from Matilda II, that is another Ragdoll.
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