Ticks are small blood sucking parasites, which can host both on pets and people. They are small creatures that can be related to spiders and easily found in grassy areas such as meadows and fields. Ticks vary in color, size and shape. they are generally oval, flat and small. They look for a host to feed from such as sheep, cat, dog or even you. Tick may pick up disease from on one host and pass it to another host, resulting in a serious risk of disease spread.
How To Check Your Dog For Ticks:
When you come from a walking in the park, check your doggy before you go inside, to lower the chance of a tick getting in your house.
Comb through your furry pals fur with your fingers. Press gently and feel for any bumps on the skin. Ticks can as small as a size of sesame seed or big as a coffee bean. Ensure that you check him properly like over his feet, inside his ears, around his neck and face.
If you find any bump, part his fur and watch out for it on his skin. Look out for black, grayish-brown or brown bug on him. If you find it on his body, you may get to see only the tick's body and legs too.
How To Remove The Tick?

The things you will need are:
1. Latex or rubber gloves
2. Rubbing alcohol
3. Antiseptic liquid or antibiotic ointment
4. Tick removing tool or pair of tweezers
Process Of Removing Ticks From Dog
- Wear the gloves, part your pooch's fur so her skin is visible to you and the tick are exposed.
- If you are using tick removing tool, then put the forked shaped part under the bug, close to the skin.
- Don't pull out straight away, instead slowly turn the tool in a clockwise motion several times.
- By doing this the tick will let go of your dog.
- Be careful, If you are using tweezers instead of tick removing tool.
- Grab the tick as close to your doggy's skin as possible and pull upward.
- Make sure to remove it in a single pull, and not to jerk.
- Jerking while removing the tick can cause part of the body to break off and get stuck in your furry companion's skin.
- Take out the ticks in a jar within a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol.
- The alcohol will kill the tick.
- You may need to keep the jar with you for few weeks.
- If your pooch feels sick, take the jar of tick to your vet.
- The vet will examine the tick, which may help him to figure out of it.
- Clean the bite of tick and the skin around it with antiseptic or dab some antibiotic ointment.
- Clean the tick removal tool or tweezers with alcohol.
- Make sure you wash your hand thoroughly.
If you don't want to go through these steps you can start monthly flea and tick treatment for your dog such as Nexgard, Frontline Plus etc. These products will help to kill fleas and ticks by paralyzing them by damaging their central nervous system of the parasites. It also protects from flea and tick re-infestation. It provides quick and continuous protection for dogs for 4 weeks.
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