Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to Clean your Dog’s Ears and Eyes at Home

Cleaning Dog’s Ears and Eyes

As you take good care of yours so as your pets require regular grooming. In the grooming session – cleaning eyes and ears is very much essential, as they are the most vital parts that help dog to see and hear. If you do not take dog eye and ear care, then they are susceptible to many of the eye and ear problems like humans.

Check here how to clean your dog’s ears and eyes for their optical and aural health.

Eyes are the most critical organ that helps the pooches to see and move around. A proper care is important to keep them shining and working. In order to check that your pooch’s eyes are healthy or not, just perform this simple process. Simply face your dog towards a bright light source like a window, and look into his eyes – they should be bright and clear with the white area around the eyeball and equally sized pupils. Also, check for any discharge, inflammation, redness or irritation, if found any of them then immediately consult your vet.

Check your pooch’s eyes daily in order to find any formation of mucus on the inside corners. In case, you notice any foreign matter or mucus present in or around the eyes, take a cotton ball, moisten it in warm water, and dab it in the corners of the eyes. Avoid dabbing the cotton ball directly on to eyes because the cotton fibers might be caught in the eye and can scratch the eyeball.

If you are noticing that your puppy has persistent buildup of yellowish mucus in and around the eyes, then it is better to visit a vet. He can provide the best help giving dog eye cleaners or solutions for the eye care.  

Similar to eyes, it’s also important to take care of dog ears. Keeping your pet’s ears clean should be the part of your grooming routine. External and internal ears both require proper examination. Check them thoroughly to find if there is any unusual thing. Constant shaking of the head or scratching around the ears signs towards some ear problem. Take notice of such behavior, so that you can provide the best treatment.

Look into the ears for grass seeds, ear mites or inflammation in order to treat them.

Hairy dogs face lot of ear problems compared to non-hairy ones. Dogs with lot of hair accumulate some hair growth in the ear canal, which must be removed regularly, may be at least once in a week. Certain ear powders help to stiffen the hair and this helps to remove them easily. After removing hair, use specially formulated dog ear drops such as Cleanear drops for dogs that help to remove debris and excessive wax. Whether you have small dog, big dog, long haired dog or short haired dog, ensure you clean their ears regularly.

If you find any brown or black liquid oozing out, bad odor or swelling around the ears, then your pet may be suffering from ear problem. It is advisable to take him to a vet immediately. 

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