Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter Nutrition Tips for your Dog

With the whole landscape turning white, it’s high time to switch your pooch on the nutritional food to help him stay healthy in the cold weather. Due to lack of proper food intake and care, pets tend to fall sick more during winters. Pet parents need to be very active when it comes to feeding their young four-legged pals.

During extreme winter conditions, pet winter care is essential to keep your four-legged companions happy. Keeping them warm, taking extra care and proper pet nutrition are the crucial things for you to follow to help your pet lead a healthy life when the cold is on its top.

Dog Food
Winter means your dog requires more amount of calorie to stay warm. During cold months, ensure that you provide your furry pal an extra portion of feed to cover up his requirements. Extra feed helps to fight cold conditions helping him to stay warmer. One important thing to remember here is that outdoor dogs require more amount of food compared to indoor dogs.

Outdoor dogs face harsh conditions and are more active whereas indoor dogs don’t. Your furry pooch indoors is less active and compensates calories by hibernating. Thus, they require less amount of feed intake. Also, remember to feed them less calories to avoid obesity problem in them, which usually occurs due to heavy feeding by owners during winter.

Most pet owners are mistaken that winter means pet can survive without water. However, this is not the case. In cold weather also, your dog requires good amount of water to keep him hydrated. The hot air from heaters usually dries them up. Therefore, it is necessary to supply him clean and fresh water regularly. Also, check that the water is not stagnant and breeding pool for fleas as this may make your furry pal fall sick. It’s better to provide clean water twice a day.

Sometimes, a few pet parents just keep that frozen lump for the pooch to lick. This is quite harmful for your furry pal’s health. He may catch flu. In spite of providing that frozen piece of ice, just pour in warm water in the bowl for a healthy lick.

Nutritional Supplements
Winters for some dogs means joint pain and inflammation while in others lack of nutrition results in cold diseases. A good health supplement covers up the required essential nutrients. Your pooch requires that extra amount of supplements that help him stay healthy in the frosty season.  

A regular dosage of glucosamine supplement helps to keep joints free from pain and inflammation due to cold weather. Proper administration of nutritional supplements improves overall health, enhance immune power and help to fight back cold weather.

Warm Food
Frozen food for your furry companion… is a big ‘NO NO.’ With cold weather turning in, check that you do not provide any frozen food or cold food directly from the fridge to your four-legged pal. This is not only unhygienic but also quite dangerous for your pet’s health.

It’s better to cook some dog food for your pet according to his breed and size. Giving dry dog food along with wet food is also a good option. But, no frozen bite. 

Hope, these pet nutritional tips help your pooch to stay healthy and enjoy the snowfall outside. Do you follow any other health tips for your doggy during the cold season, do share with us.  

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