Friday, December 26, 2014

Five Top Common Skin Problems in Dogs

Is your dog constantly scratching and licking? You may be irritated by this act, but you need to realize that your furry pal is actually suffering from a skin problem. There are numerous causes for skin conditions in pets. Find the most common skin problems that may occur to your furry friend and what type of treatment you can provide them to secure their skin health.

Allergic Dermatitis
Dogs are also prone to allergies like humans. They show allergic reactions towards grooming products, food and environmental irritants such as some plants, pollen or insect bites. Due to allergies, your dog may scratch continuously, and a sneak peek at the skin often reveals an ugly rash.

The most effective treatment for this problem is to identify and avoid exposure to the allergens.

Yeast Infection
When your dog relentlessly itches over her ear or chews her toes, check with your vet for presence of yeast infection. The infection is usually seen at ears or paws, as these places provide cozy space to grow. Signs of yeast infection include irritated, itchy or discolored skin.

Yeast infection is easy to detect and treat. Your vet will recommend some skin care cream for treatment. In some case, they prescribe oral drugs or medications.

Impetigo is another type of bacterial infection, which is most common in puppies. It causes pus-filled blisters that can break and crust over. These blisters are normally caused at the hairless area such as abdomen.

Not so dangerous, Impetigo is easy to treat with a topical solution. In rare cases only, it spreads and persists for longer period.

Shedding and Hair Loss
With pets in your house, it’s common for you to know that your dog shed hair. But, when it goes to extremes then you need to look into the matter. However, how much shedding is normal depends on breed type, time of the year and environment. Nevertheless, sometimes stress, illness or poor nutrition can cause a dog to shed excessively. If abnormal or more hair loss is seen more than a week, better contact your vet.

Finding the real cause behind the hair loss, you vet can advice you the treatment. Sometimes just nutritional supplements can help to cure this problem.

Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks are the most common parasites that cause skin problem in pets. They are bane for pet owners. You may not see the tiny insects themselves, but symptoms like excessive scratching and licking, inflammation, scabs and hot spots are visible. Severe flea and tick infestation can lead to blood loss or anemia, and can even cause flea-infested diseases.

Flea and tick preventive products such as Frontline Plus, Bravecto, Nexgard, Capstar are helpful in treating fleas and ticks. Treatment products come in topical or oral form. To prevent re-infestation, repeat the treatment and ensure to clean your home and yard thoroughly.

With proper dog skin care, you can maintain the shine and good condition of his hair. Regular grooming, bathing, brushing and providing prevention treatments for external parasites help dogs to fight against skin problems and stay healthy.  

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